Lesson FOUR.
Details/Macro and Series Photography
- Tips before we begin
- Flash OFF
- DSLR users – not ready for manual? Try Aperture Priority, the “A” setting. Try your lowest F stop. (lowest number)
- Point and shoot cameras – try the “macro” or “Close-Up” button
- Phone users, for close ups you’ll need to have a steady hand and pause for your phone to focus.
Concept – Details / Macro
Style – Series Photography
Details. Let’s begin!
Our kids are covered in all kinds of perfect little details; that perfect cleft in their chin, a splash full of freckles, or a row of waving eyelashes.
1. Detail photography is forgetting about the “BIG” picture and snapping all those glorious details.
2. Macro is extreme closeup photography. You can do your best with what lens you have, but if you love macro I can suggest a few inexpensive magnifiers you can buy to add to your lens.
1. Look at your kids and see them for all their ‘parts’ that make them unique.
The closer you move in to see details the more light you will need. So, if you are near a large window this spot is perfect. Walk around your child and look at everything.
*This part always makes me a little sentimental or weepy… because when I really look at my kids I see who they are and where they come from. For example, Jay is the only one who got my dads deeply colorful hazel eyes, his dads freckles, and those silly crooked adult teeth just starting to grow in. Ian has the most luxurious lashes, that cute Polish nose from my Pap and chunky swirly curls of hair from my husband.
So look at all the details. Each kid is so different too. Some things that are part of them now will disappear in a year or two or even a month. Those dimples your toddler has on their finger knuckles, and those bubble toes on your middle schooler won’t be there for long.
Some details will only be there until the next bath; skinned shins, popsicle smiles and marker fingers are some fleeting details that also tell a story about who your child is. Capture everything you can!
For Detail photos you want to get in close and make each detail the star of the photo. Zoom in, walk close, get up in their business.
If you are shooting details and getting close you should take a few images of each ‘shot’. It is very easy to miss focus or move and get blur! Do your best to keep still but take a few photos so that you can look at them after have enough to keep and extras to toss.
Here, Let me show you!
Macro is super detailed up-close photography.
Macro photography is a unique form of photography that involves photographing small objects to make them look life-sized or larger in the photo. Macro means magnify!
If you do not have a macro lens just move in as close as you can. (as close as your lens will let you and still auto focus)
There is absolutely no pressure to buy yourself a lens, but if you find you love macro photography there are some cost-economical options out there. Here are some fun ones I found online for under $30
iphone Macro attachment https://www.amazon.com/GeToo-Phone-Camera-Lens-Samsung/dp/B0816FKT2W/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=15AS6F5VFESC4&keywords=iphone+macro+lens&qid=1585432674&sprefix=iphone+macro%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUktUUkpRVlRSUEI0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMDY4MTEwRzIzWlhHTDJVSUc3JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0MTQ4NjUyTTA0MVNNNVM2TUxIJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
Lens screw on attachments for a prime lens – You would attach these to an existing DSLR lens so if you are interested go by the size you have at home.
Ok, now let me show you Ian’s Macros (magnified details)
Today’s Style… Series Photography
Series photography is a number of photos of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another.
Simply put, a series of photos is a few or more photos of all the same subject but a different part in each photo.
Let’s look at what we are thinking about when we grab the camera.
1. How is the overall light?
2. How can you, the photographer, stand or angle your camera to show your perspective?
3. How close can I get to get all those detailed shots!?
Take a lot of photos!
Take many angles and many details of your kids. All close-up photos. Take a few of each spot so that you can look at them after and see what ones are in focus or are blurry and need deleted.
Now for your fourth assignment!!! Take a series of photos of each kid.
1. Bright light is best for close-up shots.
2. Ask your model (or models) to pick an activity that will keep them busy for a little while.
3. Pick your perspectives. Don’t just take a few from the front, walk all the way around and get behind and on top of your kids?
4. Set your F stop Aperture (if using your dslr) to its widest open and lowest number.
5. Take lots of close-up photos. Don’t miss any spots; ears, hair, eyes, fingers, get it ALL!
*Have fun!
Post your series of photos… as many as you want!
Pick out your favorite photos and post it in the group. I can’t wait to see how your fourth lesson went! I’m excited to see how creative you got with all those little details of your humans!