Welcome to my home newborn studio. Yep, the Tiny Bean studio. Although I went through a slightly more personal name change, I still adore all the Tiny Beans who I welcome in my home. Thanks for looking. 🙂
Often when parents email me inquiring about a newborn session they ask if I have any props. Well today I counted, lol. I have over 95 tiebacks and 117 bonnets/hats. In addition to all of those props I have hundreds of wraps, blankets, baskets, bowls, beds, and buckets. So there is your answer, I don’t need parents to bring anything, except their newborn baby!
I’m a natural light photographer, until the Pittsburgh clouds roll in and I have to bring out my flash on those particularly gray days. But mostly if the weather allows, it’s just me, your newborn and that big window sunlight.
The studio is kept at 85* degrees to keep baby calm and warm as I gently flow from the different positions that I photograph them in. The space will smell like my magic potion of lavender and tea tree oils and white noise is dancing in the room. Heat. Scent. Sound. Sleep.
Welcome to my happy place. Grab a tea or a cup of joe at my coffee bar, relax on the couch and let me enjoy your baby while you sit back and watch, or nap!
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